5 Unique Ways Your Small Business Can Go Green

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Oct 12, 2017

5 Unique Ways Your Small Business Can Go GreenGoing green goes far beyond switching to more energy efficient electronics. Small business owners looking to preserve the environment and capitalize on a booming trend can look for other ways to be eco-friendly. When weighing the cost of these types of upgrades, always consider your impact on the environment and the long-term savings for your business. Going green can also be an excellent PR move and help to build your brand. Here are five unique ways your business can go green.


It may seem funny, but having plants around your office or store is one of the best ways your small business can go green. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and other indoor pollutants. This makes for cleaner air to go along with a pleasing aesthetic addition. Regular maintenance will be needed, but the benefits can be well worth the investment. You may consider outsourcing this work or assigning it to a current employee. You can also involve your entire staff and use this as an opportunity for team building, idea sharing and networking amongst employees.


Small Business InvestmentsLighting may be the first thing people think of when it comes to energy efficiency and there are many products on the market that can help you save on energy costs. There are other, more unique ways you can reduce your lighting costs including purchasing light fixtures and other mechanical parts made from recycled materials, using recycled or homemade chandeliers and even adjusting your store layout to reduce the amount of lighting needed for safety and appearances. The savings from using recycled materials and energy efficient bulbs can add up fast and improve your bottom line over the long term.

Multipurpose Appliances

Rather than simply replacing all of your current appliances individually with newer, more energy efficient models, you should consider purchasing equipment that will serve more than one purpose. This can reduce energy costs and increase your workable space. Take a close look at which appliances perform similar tasks and try to find options that can handle multiple responsibilities. Make sure any new equipment fits nicely into your process and will not bottleneck production.

Alternative Energy

5 Unique Ways Your Small Business Can Go GreenMany cities and states across the country have well developed renewable energy sources that are available to small businesses. Innovations such as solar panels, wind turbines and hydropower have started to catch on in some major population centers. Utilizing alternative energy may cost a bit more but it will greatly reduce your carbon footprint. The use of this and other green practices can be used as marketing and public relations tools that can help you reach environmentally conscious consumers.


Going paperless can mean a lot of different things these days. Due to advancements in technology there are more ways than ever to digitize your small business. Menus, price tags, registers, receipts and bookkeeping tasks can all be digital depending on your level of commitment. While there will always be some places where paper is necessary, taking steps to reduce your use is good for the environment and can provide substantial savings. Shipping and disposal costs have a cumulative effect against your bottom line and can easily be reduced or eliminated.

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