The summer months can be very profitable for restaurants in popular tourist locations and somewhat tricky for those located in less frequented areas. Increasing restaurant revenue during the summer can give you the cushion to survive the slow winter months and the additional cash flow needed to move your business forward. An investment in your menu is the first step in building your summer restaurant strategy.
How To Celebrate Cinco de Mayo At Your Restaurant
Cinco de Mayo is cause for celebration and can be highly profitable for those in the restaurant industry. “The date is still widely misunderstood as Mexico’s independence day, but Cinco de Mayo is actually a celebration of the surprising Mexican army’s victory over France at the 1862 Battle of Puebla.” Hosting your own celebration can draw in crowds and help to build relationships with potential repeat customers. Here’s how to make your Cinco de Mayo restaurant event a success.
Topics: Restaurant
Recipes To Include On Your Super Bowl Party Menu
Appetizers and snacks are key for any super bowl party. Creating a special menu for your game day event can make things easier on your staff and give your customers some new flavors to try. Here are three appetizer recipes to help inspire your Super Bowl restaurant menu.
Topics: Restaurant
How To Ring In 2022 At Your Restaurant
Restaurant events provide attendees with lasting memories that can translate into loyal customers for years to come. There is no better excuse for a party than New Year’s Eve. Hosting an event is hard work, but the payoff can be immense, not to mention all the fun you’ll have. Here we look at how to ring in 2022 at your restaurant.
Topics: Restaurant
15 Retail Products To Sell At Your Restaurant
Many restaurants have turned to retail sales to supplement revenue lost during the pandemic and have come to find it is a sustainable and viable source of additional income. Tourists and regulars often look for small keepsakes they can purchase to commemorate a trip or special moment. These items can also be offered online to help expand your customer base and ensure tourists won’t need to lug their gifts onto a plane. Here we take a look at fifteen retail products to sell at your restaurant.
Topics: Restaurant
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