Quikstone has partnerships with many of the major card processors. Your cash advance repayment can be nearly effortless if you use one of our processing partners, but it is not required. These partners can make it faster and easier for you to receive your daily funds by using a method called split funding.
There are a variety of alternatives to bank loans, with business cash advances offering perhaps the most practical, fast, and easy option. Every owner finds a time when they need some extra cash to maintain or grow their business. Here we take a look at six reasons a business cash advance is better than a bank loan.
Topics: Business Cash Advance
5 Ways A Business Cash Advance Can Help You Grow
It takes money to make money, and sometimes it can be difficult for small businesses to have enough cash on hand to take advantage of growth opportunities. A business cash advance is a fast and easy way to obtain the funding you need to take your business to new heights. Here we take a look at five ways a business cash advance can help you grow.
Topics: Business Cash Advance
A business cash advance is the ideal product for small business owners who need funding for their business in a timely fashion. Many business expenses simply cannot wait. Traditional bank loans can take months to be approved and require a lengthy repayment period. A business cash advance from Quikstone Capital can be approved within 48 hours, and often, our customers receive their cash within a week. Here we’ve highlighted how several of our small business clients used their advances in July.
Topics: Business Cash Advance, Cash for Businesses
Where Can Restaurants Turn For Funding?
With the Restaurant Revitalization Fund officially becoming closed, many owners have been left with little recourse for maintaining and growing their business. Bank loans can be very difficult to qualify for, come along with lengthy payment terms, require collateral, and approval can take months. Each of these factors makes finding an alternative a necessity. For many, the answer comes in the form of a restaurant cash advance.
Topics: Restaurant, Business Cash Advance
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