Expect The Unexpected: Prepare Your Small Business For The Unknown

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Jun 4, 2021

Expect The Unexpected: Prepare Your Small Business For The UnknownIt seems in this day and age that we are in a constant state of unknown. That's business. But how do we prepare ourselves and our business to better handle these unknowns thrown at us? I have a few tips that will help you stay prepared and keep ahead of the unknown as best as you can.

Communication Plan

Whatever may come your way, whether it's a natural disaster or something like an accident taking out your building's power. Have a secondary method of communication with your employees and your customers as well, be sure that it is known too. Some cost-effective options would be a group chat or even interacting through social media for your customers. Maintaining lines of communication will help keep your small business ready for the unknown.

Review Your Insurance Policy

Having and knowing your insurance coverage are two totally different things and is something that should be looked at every time it's time to renew your company's policy. Be aware of the dangers associated with your building and all things your company deals with so that when a disaster strikes, you can worry about your employees and customers rather than if your policy is up-to-date or if you're covered. This is often an afterthought, but you will be more prepared for the unknown if you keep up with it.

Back Up All Important Documents

This speaks for itself. You should always have multiple copies of important documents and ensure that they are kept in an alternate location. Back up your information thoroughly and do this often. If you have ever had to reset your personal computer and forgot to back it up recently, then you know the pain this can cause. Now imagine this on a grand scale with your small business.

Have An Emergency Kit Together

In some areas of this country, a storm can come out of nowhere, which may leave you stuck at the building for quite some time. That is why I suggest that you have a kit together for these purposes. Make it simple and make it large enough for one more person than is usually on shift at any given moment. Several websites out there can help you build kits and checklists for an emergency that keeps you at the office. Look over your plans and supplies often, and this will bring you a sense of ease when the unknown strikes.

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