Five Steps To A Successful Christmas In July Sale

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Jul 10, 2023

Five Steps To A Successful Christmas In July SaleSummer is historically a slow season for businesses big and small, but it doesn't have to be. The best example of a summer shopping bonanza is Amazon's Prime Day, with its twist on Black Friday. Prime Day is one of Amazon's biggest shopping events of the year.

Creating sales in July or August not only helps businesses increase revenue, but they can also appeal to budget-minded customers who don't want to leave all their holiday shopping until December.

As a business owner, you don't have to be Amazon to cash in on summer sales. Why not create your own special event and call it Christmas in July? Now that's catchy. 

How Christmas In July Got Its Start

No one is exactly sure of the origin of the Christmas in July holiday. 

One of the best origin stories comes from Brevard, North Carolina, at a girls' camp called Keystone in 1933. According to the camp's 100th-anniversary celebration book, "Christmas in July" came from the camp's co-founder Fannie Holt. Campers would use laundry bags as makeshift stockings placed outside their cabins to be filled with candy overnight. Eventually, elves, reindeer, and Mrs. Claus joined the act, along with a camp-wide gift exchange. One of the most memorable gifts was a toilet plunger decorated with feathers and glitter.

The term then received national attention in 1940 with the release of the Hollywood comedy Christmas in July, written and directed by Preston Sturges. Two years later, in 1942, a Washington, D.C. church started a summer donation drive to gather holiday gifts to send to missions worldwide. They also called it Christmas in July. The U.S. Post Office began a similar drive to gather and mail gifts to soldiers serving overseas.

Since then, more companies created ways to leverage the whimsical idea of 100-degree days with hot chocolate and cotton snowballs, and eventually, in 2012, we got the perfect marketing event, the Hallmark Channel's Christmas in July

Today, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, and the U.K. joined the U.S. in celebrating Christmas in July. 

You Can Celebrate Christmas In July Too

You don't have to be one of the world's largest retailers – or a retailer at all – to capitalize on a summer sale. Here are five ideas to make Christmas in July (or August) happen at your small business.

1. Send An Invitation For Your Very Own Christmas In July Event

 Just like you would for any other party, send an invitation with all the details to your customers via email, direct mail, and social media and encourage your best customers to spread the word. Consider offering an incentive such as an additional 5% off coupon for those who quickly respond "yes."

2. Make It A Party

 Beyond just a sale, develop a theme or activity to engage shoppers, like making ornaments, taking photos with Santa, wrapping purchases in holiday paper, or holiday gift bags. How about offering a unique activity for children, such as cookie decorating? Keeping the kids busy can leave their parents free to shop. Don't forget to break out the decorations and create a festive atmosphere.

3. "Spruce" Up Your Menu

 If you are a restaurant ownercreate a themed food and drink menu for your customers. Kicking things up a notch? Check out recipes for Christmas in July cocktails here.

4. Don't Underestimate The Power Of Incentives

 Hand customers a gift card or coupon only valid during the winter months (or the holiday season). Consider offering a discount for customers ready to buy their holiday gifts. Don't forget the holiday-themed gift cards. 

5. Test Your Promotions In Advance Of The Real Holidays   

Christmas in July promotion to understand what gifts your customers respond to. Consider testing different promotional values (5%, 10%) and see how it impacts customer retention. Prep your holiday marketing strategy around successful tactics like a giant stocking giveaway contest courtesy of Bagwell Promotions. The company has everything you need for a perfect Christmas in July promotion, including 6 and 8-foot stockings filled with toys. They also provide entry forms and a registration box.

If you'd like to create your own Christmas in July event but don't have the cash, Quikstone can help with a fast and easy cash advance. There's a simple application, and no collateral is needed. If your business accepts credit cards, you could qualify for up to $250,000 and have the cash in hand in 2-5 business days. 

Don't wait. There's no cost or obligation, so contact us today to see how much you can qualify for. 

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