Happy Passover, Good Friday, And Easter Sunday!

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Apr 7, 2023

Happy Passover, Good Friday, And Easter Sunday!Easter, Passover, and Good Friday are all important holidays that serve as powerful reminders of faith, hope, and love. By taking time to reflect on these occasions throughout the year, we can be reminded of our shared source of strength amidst life's trials and tribulations. 

Easter and Passover are both religious holidays that commemorate the sacrifices Jesus made for humankind. They are celebrated in different ways, but the sentiment behind them is similar – to recognize the power of love and redemption.
Good Friday marks the day when Jesus was crucified on the cross. It is a day of sorrow and mourning as it remembers his suffering and death. In some countries, Christians attend church services such as Stations of the Cross or Via Crucis to further reflect on this event.
In contrast, Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from death three days after Good Friday (the Sunday following). This is seen as a symbol of hope, joy, and new life, which is why so many families have Easter egg hunts and other festivities on this day.
Passover is observed by Jews to commemorate the Israelite's release from slavery in Egypt. The festival lasts for eight days, starting with a special Seder meal on the first night, where they eat unleavened bread (matzo) and recite prayers. Passover also commemorates a time when God promised to protect his people from harm, which is why many families celebrate it with gratitude and joyousness.

No matter what your faith may be, these holidays provide a unique chance to join together with those close to us in celebration and prayerful remembrance of our past and hope for the future. 

So, as we look towards these special days, let us all take some time to be grateful for our faith and those around us - and wish each other peace in this joyous season.

Happy Passover, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday from Quikstone Capital!

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