A business cash advance is the ideal product for small business owners who need funding for their business in a timely fashion. Many business expenses simply cannot wait. Traditional bank loans can take months to be approved and require a lengthy repayment period. A business cash advance from Quikstone Capital can be approved within 48 hours, and often, our customers receive their cash within a week. Here we’ve highlighted how several of our small business clients used their advances in July.
$100,000 Liquor Store
A southeast liquor store used a $100,000 business cash advance to make a large inventory purchase. The ability to seize inventory opportunities and keep the shelves stocked during busy times is essential in making your liquor store profitable and reliable.
$32,000 Neighborhood Grocery
A neighborhood grocery store in the northeast used $32,000 to purchase new freezers. Equipment upgrades and repairs need to be made quickly to avoid costly downtime and loss of revenue. A cash advance from Quikstone Capital is typically approved within 48 hours.
$15,000 Tobacco Shop
We funded an additional advance to a tobacco shop in the northeast to finish up a renovation. Keeping your storefront and interior updated is a necessary investment. An eye-catching exterior will help draw in foot traffic, and an appealing interior will keep customers in your store longer.
$25,000 Pizza Shop
An additional advance was approved for a pizza shop in the northeast to fix water damage caused by a leak. Their insurance money could be delayed for weeks. In times of emergency, a business cash advance can help you remain operational with minimal downtime.
$40,000 Salon
Quikstone provided an additional advance to a salon in the northwest for a strategic inventory buy. Having the products you need to create breathtaking styles is a must, and being able to stock a variety of high-end retail products can help increase revenue.
$28,000 Thai Restaurant
We provided a third advance to a Thai restaurant out west to upgrade their AC units. Building upkeep can be costly. Upgrades and maintenance will be needed from time to time. Quikstone is a reliable funding partner that you can count on to be there when you need us.
Quikstone Capital has been in business for more than a decade, and we’re in it for the long haul. We partner with our merchants to achieve success, and their success is a direct reflection on us. Quikstone Capital will never put a merchant in a position to fail under the weight of its own debt.
Our product is designed for projects that help a merchant’s business grow and increase sales. Click below to apply now!