How To Make Better Decisions Under Pressure

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Sep 3, 2021

How To Make Better Decisions Under PressureThe ability to make good decisions under pressure is what separates ordinary people from the extraordinary. This remains true in the business world. Small business owners need to be able to make the right choices when everything is on the line. Here we take a look at a few ways to make better decisions under pressure.

Focus On The Goal

When you have a clear goal in mind, you can make better decisions regardless of the situation, as you are solely focused on creating that one particular outcome. All of your decisions should be made with the end game in mind. If what you’re saying or doing isn’t something that is bringing you closer to your goal, it is likely the incorrect decision. Write your goal(s) down and focus all of your energy on obtaining them. Make it a point to read through them throughout each day until you’ve reached your desired outcome. Then make some new goals and repeat.

Pause And Think

In many cases, acting impulsively is what leads to poor decision-making. Taking a moment to pause and think about the big picture will help you slow down and make the right choices. Practice active listening and always wait at least a few seconds before making a response. Don’t act hastily. When an important decision presents itself, take all the time you need to organize your thoughts and make an informed decision. While some decisions will come with a time limit, you still need to take the time to pause and think.

Seek Objective Opinions

Your support system is essential in maintaining your ability to make good decisions, but they are not always the people you want to seek advice from. Finding people other than friends or family to gather information from allows you to gather different perspectives. Sometimes your loved ones will give you biased opinions based on what they know about you or what they think is best for you. An outsider is more likely to provide you with an objective opinion based on facts and the individual situation.

Relax And Stay Calm

There is great power in remaining calm. When you are stressed, anxious, or in a panic, your decision-making will suffer greatly. It would help if you found a place of stillness to make good decisions. Practicing mindfulness can help you to remain in the moment and make your choices with a clear mind. Some of the worst decisions people make are made when they are not in the right frame of mind to be deciding. If you find yourself in this state, wait until you can become calm before making your choice.

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