How To Reduce The Environmental Impact Of Your Small Business

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Apr 7, 2020

How To Reduce The Environmental Impact Of Your Small BusinessEvaluating the environment impact of your small business and taking steps to improve can provide several benefits. Not only will you help the environment and potentially save money, many consumers actively seek out green companies to do business with. Here are five ways to reduce the environmental impact of your small business.

Know What Your Impact Is

Perform an audit on your operations and equipment to determine where you can reduce your environmental impact. You’ll want to take a look at your equipment, HVAC systems, lighting, vendors, water usage, fossil fuel consumption and the amount of physical waste your produce.  Once you have an idea where you’re falling short, you can start to sculpt a green friendly small business.

Start A Recycling Program

The use of paper and plastic can have a lasting negative impact on the environment. While it may not be feasible to completely eliminate these products from your business, you can certainly make an effort to reduce, reuse and recycle. Starting a recycling program take the commitment of your entire organization, so you’ll want to get your employees involved and install a process to ensure everyone is following through.

Upgrade To Energy Efficient Equipment

There are energy efficient versions of almost every piece of equipment these days. Making the change may include an initial investment, but over time it will save you money as well as the environment. Installing energy efficient lighting is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to reduce your impact on the environment.

Source Inventory From Local Vendors

The amount of fuel and packaging required to ship products from a great distance can be astronomical. Looking for local vendors who can provide you with the same quality products you use in every day operations can significantly lower your carbon footprint. It will also help you to support local businesses and may even save you some money.

Use Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind can greatly reduce your impact on the environment and save you a bunch of money over the long term. Many states and cities also offer tax breaks and funding for implementing renewable energy sources. If your energy consumption is costing your company and the environment, this is a route worth looking into.

Small Business Investments

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