Increase Restaurant Business by Giving it a Facelift

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Sep 17, 2014

Increase Restaurant RevenueThe same rule applies to people, places or food: You just can't undo the first impression.

Chances are, you spend a lot of time training your staff and put effort into great plate presentations and interior design, but have you made an effort to make a great first impression.

It’s Not Just a Facade

Your entrance and street-facing window make an impression on your clientele and passers-by. They'll use this first glance to draw some conclusions about your food, your prices and your ambiance.

Upgrading your facade might be as simple as pruning some bushes or painting the door trim. On the other hand, if it requires a more substantial investment for landscaping, parking lot repaving or replacing signage to re-energize your exterior, these tips can help you increase restaurant business.

Survey Says...

Start by walking around the property. Try to see it with a fresh eye, as if you were a pedestrian who knew nothing about the restaurant.

  • What kind of overall impression do people find at your front door?
  • Is the canopy clean and in good repair?
  • Are the windows clean?
  • Are signs and menus in good shape?
  • Is the landscaping fresh and green (during growing season, at least?
  • Do the paint job, signage and general appearance combine for a welcoming image?

Consider your business’s appearance from the street. Do drivers get the same impression as people on foot? You can sometimes find a surprising difference in overall impression from just a few yards away.

Borrow from the Best

Your survey may give you a few ideas on how to freshen up or repair your front entrance. Don't stop there, though. The Internet gives you some great opportunities to compare your building to the best in the business.

Check out sites like the James Beard Restaurant Design Awards page to see what your competitors have dreamed up to entice customers and establish great atmosphere.

Extra Challenges

Of course, your building may have existing limitations that you have to overcome. Here's a look at a few common issues.

Hidden door:Is the front door recessed, or only accessed by an alley or a set of stairs? Make sure your signage, canopy and outdoor mats lead people straight to the entrance.

Unfortunate views:Ideally, people peeking in your windows will see happy diners and plates of delicious food. If you're less fortunate, they may see nothing but your hostess station, an ancient and unused phone kiosk, or a set of stairs. Don't give in. Use art and lights to create a welcoming feel even without tables and patrons. Consider putting large photos of the restaurant near the entrance to help entice curious passers-by.

"Noisy" neighbors: It's great to be on a busy street, but your entrance will have a lot of competition. It can be hard to stand out, especially where building codes limit exterior design or enforce a standard look on all businesses. Still you can find that subtle changes - a brighter sign, tinted windows or a brightly painted door can help your restaurant stand out.

There are many ways to improve your restaurant's exterior appearance. A cash advance from Quikstone Capital Solutions can help you fund those improvements and increase restaurant business!

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Topics: Funding Your Business, Growing Your Business, Restaurant