Many consumers unhappy with eCommerce experiences

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Jul 25, 2013

Retailers who offer ecommerce options - and those who don't - better listen up: your customers aren't happy with the services they've been offered. And many of them, once scorned, turn to alternative retail outlets, permanently. For those who aren't yet offering top-level online credit card processing services, the message is clear: shape up, or your consumers will ship out.

According to a survey from Skava, 71 percent of Americans use their smartphones to shop at online retailers - but 88 percent of that sample has had at least one negative experience among such retailers. It's a shockingly high failure rate for an industry that's experiencing massive, unprecedented growth.

More than two in five of the dissatisfied respondents noted that they feel concerns over payment security, further displaying the need for online retailers to offer the best online credit card payment options. 

"Many retailers still think that mobile isn't working–and as such aren't investing in it–but the reality is that their mobile website is just hard to use from a consumer perspective," said Danielle McCormick, senior director of marketing at the firm, as quoted by Forbes.

His statements indicate a costly apathy among retailers to adapt to the newest e-commerce services and options. Arish Ali, the president of the firm, also argued for the validity of e-commerce.

"The sudden rise in the number of visitors accessing retailers' websites from mobile took many retailers by surprise and they quickly created a mobile website as a first response, but the initial bounce rates were high and conversion rates low leaving many retailers thinking that people didn't have an appetite to buy from mobile," he said.

He went on to explain that successful implementation of online sales strategies have helped many businesses reach astronomical heights.


Topics: Growing Your Business, Ecommerce