Marketing a Liquor Store with Tasting Parties

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Oct 10, 2014

marketing a liquor storeThe latest trend for liquor stores is to host tasting parties, a time when patrons can taste a variety of different types of alcohol and brands and an opportunity to get to know the establishment owners.

Tasting parties offer a variety of benefits for both the consumer and the owner. Customers can try out exotic beers, spirits and wines before they buy, and they provide the business owners the opportunity educate customers on products, food pairings and cocktail party tips.

A tasting party can generate interest in a liquor store and help the store become the place to go for liquor aficionados, connoisseurs and even the passive consumer to have a sip of their favorite beverages and to mingle.

When merchants begin planning a tasting party, one of the first things they need to do is decide what kind of alcohol visitors will taste. Is it bourbon, beer, wine or whisky? 

The next step is scheduling a date; it should be established weeks or months in advance to leave enough time to market the event. Advertise with flyers, the website, social media and word of mouth. Get publicity with a news release in a local, community paper.

When hosting wine tastings, it's important to decide whether to have a horizontal tasting flight or a vertical tasting flight. The former consists of comparing beverages that are similar but originate from different distilleries. The latter means to compare the different ages that also happen to come from the same distilleries. The host will need a sufficient amount of wine for the tasting. Stock-up on specialty wines to make the tasting interesting and attract more visitors.

Ensure that your tasting party guests are comfortable and provide plenty of seating at a table or bar. The idea is to make the experience relaxing and fun so the guests will remember your store for future parties as well as other needs.

In addition to the alcohol, provide an adequate supply of spring water to cleanse palates between tastes. It's best to avoid mineral water since it can conflict with the taste of the alcohol.

It's also important to have enough glasses for all of the guests to taste the beverages. The glassware can help capture the smell and taste. Be sure to have spit buckets available so guests do not swallow the alcohol and risk becoming intoxicated.

Industry experts suggest having a few other things that enhance the tasting experience:

  • Unsalted crackers to cleanse the palate in between taste tests
  • Sheets and pens so patrons can keep track of what they're consuming (consider adding the store's logo, name and contact information on each sheet of paper)
  • Eyedroppers to add water when applicable
  • An assortment of deli meats, cheeses, breads and fruits for tasters to enjoy during the event
  • Tables and chairs for guests to sit down, converse with one another and imbibe the catering

Liquor store hosts should provide a description of each brand and a series of tips such as looking out for clarity, observing the color, inviting the aroma, sipping the flavor and allowing the beverage to flow throughout your mouth.

 Overall, a tasting party should be a calm, cool and casual evening for both the liquor store and the guests.

Marketing a liquor store with tasting parties is a great investment. Learn more about this and other investments in our FREE Liquor Store Investment Guide.

Click the cover below and download today!

Liquor Store Investment Guide

Topics: Growing Your Business, Liquor Store