Networking Made Easy For Small Business Owners

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Nov 21, 2018

Networking Made Easy For Small Business OwnersBuilding a vast and dependable network is one of the best things you can do as a small business owner.  These connections can give you tips on running your business and help to increase word of mouth advertising.  There are many different avenues to take when networking for small business.  Here we explore some of the easiest ways to make beneficial connections.

Social Media

“Social media is one of the most productive places to network,” says BDC Business Consultant Chris O’Shea, who advises business owners on social media marketing. “You can quickly find like-minded people from the comfort of your office, and you don’t need an introduction. But you can easily turn people off with the wrong approach.” – BDC

Social media has made it possible for small business owners to network with people from all over the world.  These connections can help you stay on top of trends and learn new ways to approach your business.  Joining industry relevant and local groups will help you to quickly gain mutually beneficial connections.

Industry Events

“The other attendees are there for the same reason. People don’t go to conferences and large events just to walk around aimlessly. They go to make connections, meet brands, meet experts, and learn something new.” – Medium

Industry events have always been a great way to network with those experiencing similar challenges.  These events allow you to connect with those that have been through the same things you’re going through right now.  Learning from their experience can help you maintain and grow your business with fewer pitfalls of your own.  It can also help you keep an eye on the competition.

Hosted Events

“To benefit from the power of networking, people first need to know you exist. By hosting your own event you not only get your name out there but you establish yourself as a connector.” – Networking For Nice People

Hosting your own event makes you and your business the center of attention, but focusing on helping your guests is the most effective way to network.  Connecting people who can help each other will make your name memorable and can have benefits that reach well into the future.  Hosting an event also helps to build brand awareness, which will make future networking easier as your reputation will precede you.

Community Involvement

“Are you active in your local chamber of commerce? Well you should be! Studies show that by simply involving yourself with your Chamber of Commerce, you increase customer favorability by 44%, and increase the likelihood of future patronage by 64%.” – Duct Tape Marketing

Joining your chamber of commerce is just one way to begin networking in your local community.  Sponsoring local sporting events, attending festivals and establishing partnerships with complementary businesses can bring exposure and improve your standing in the community.  Most small businesses rely heavily on locals to fuel their business.  Focusing on networking locally will help to expand the customer base most likely to visit your establishment.

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