A business cash advance gives you the ability to leverage your future earnings for the cash you need immediately. The ability to have cash on hand for growth initiatives, renovations, events and inventory opportunities can outweigh the nominal fees associated with a business cash advance. Working capital and financial flexibility are essential to the growth of small businesses. Low credit scores and a lack of collateral prevent many owners from obtaining the funding they need to operate and grow.
Partnering with Quikstone Capital allows you to get the cash you need, when you need it. The uses of a business cash advance are nearly limitless, allowing you to spend your cash as you see fit. With the added protection of payments based on daily credit card sales versus a set monthly amount, a business cash advance can help prevent crippling bank loan repayments. The repayment terms are also much shorter, typically 3-12 months, ensuring you’re able to get out of debt quickly and borrow again if necessary.
If you process credit cards, Quikstone Capital can provide fast, flexible funding for your business. We know that business owners need to answer quickly when opportunity knocks. And you need to respond swiftly in the event of equipment failures or other unexpected emergencies.
That's where we come in. Whether you have a new business, an established business with no collateral, or simply don't qualify for traditional bank loan, we can provide the business cash you need.