Top 10 Jokes For Salon Owners

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Jan 15, 2020

Top 10 Jokes For Salon OwnersOwning a salon can be very rewarding, but just like any other business, it can get stressful.  A little humor can go a long way.  Here are our top ten jokes for salon owners.

  1. People always ask why my trips to the salon are so quick. I take the shortcut.


  1. Did you hear about the time Bob Marley went to the hairdressers? He was dreading it


  1. What do you call a good hair stylist? A shear delight.


  1. Hairdressers, like bartenders, are expected to lend a sympathetic ear as needed. One Friday morning a regular customer came in, sat down and, as I flung the cape around her neck, asked, "Now where did I leave off last week?"


  1. What is the perfect hair style for a gunslinger? Bangs.


  1. In the news... There was a robbery at a local hair salon. The police are combing the area.


  1. How does the man in the moon cut his hair? Eclipse it.


  1. The Beauty Industry:

For Men: This can be used as shampoo, body wash, face wash, lotion, toothpaste, engine degreaser, grout and sunscreen.

For Women: We specially formulated this moisturizer for your left eyebrow…


  1. What's a hairdresser's favorite Christmas song?' Oh comb all ye faithful'


  1. Rule #1: The Hairdresser is always right! Rule #2: If there is any doubt, please refer to Rule #1.


Topics: Salon and Day Spa