Total Solar Eclipse Viewing Tips

Posted by Karen Erdelac on Apr 5, 2024

Total Solar Eclipse Viewing TipsOn Monday April 8th, the United States will experience a total solar eclipse. Experiencing a total solar eclipse is a remarkable event that many look forward to with great anticipation. If you're planning to witness this celestial spectacle, here are some tips to ensure you enjoy the eclipse safely and make the most of this astronomical phenomenon.

View It virtually

If you are not in an area that will experience the eclipse or are unable to see due to cloud coverage, you can watch the eclipse live here:

Eye Safety Is Paramount

Buy the proper eyewear to view the eclipse so you do not sustain any injuries to your eyes. This includes special lenses for any cameras you may plan on using to capture the event. Never look directly into the sun. Regular sunglasses are not adequate for viewing an eclipse. Use solar viewing glasses that meet international safety standards. Look for ISO 12312-2 compliant on the label. Before the eclipse, check for any scratches or damages to your solar glasses. If they're compromised, they may not protect your eyes adequately.

Prepare For Traffic

If you live in an area near or within the path of totality, or you plan on traveling to one of those areas, plan for traffic to be a major issue. Allow yourself plenty of time to get where you need to be. Optimal viewing spots may be crowded. Plan to arrive early and consider traffic when planning your route. Keep track of local traffic updates. Some areas may have road closures or detours on eclipse day.

Protect Your Skin

Sunscreen is a must; even during an eclipse, the sun's rays can still damage your skin. It is important to wear hats, protective clothing, and sunscreen before, during, and after the eclipse. Although the sun disappears behind the moon for a brief period during a total eclipse, harmful UV rays are still present. Additionally, the sudden darkness can cause your pupils to dilate, potentially allowing more UV light to reach your skin when the sun reappears. Ensuring your skin's safety from these factors is crucial.

Travel Plan And Supplies

If you plan to travel to the path of totality to see the eclipse, you need to make sure you have a plan in place. This includes securing enough fuel should there be shortages, having enough food and water, and overall being safe amongst the masses that will also be traveling. Don't forget to bring extra batteries or a power bank for your devices.

Remember, the next total solar eclipse might not happen in your area for many years, and this could be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Follow these tips to make sure it's a safe and memorable one!

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