Making your restaurant more profitable will require a few tactics to increase your revenue while reducing your costs. Between food, staffing, and energy, there is typically quite a bit of waste in the restaurant industry. Here we take a look at five steps to a more profitable restaurant.
5 Steps To A More Profitable Restaurant
Topics: Restaurant
5 Food Trends For 2022
Many of the changes in the world recently have had a profound impact on the food industry regarding supply chain, dietary trends, and where consumers choose to make their purchases. As restaurants, caterers, bakeries, and grocers continue to adjust, there are some significant trends they need to keep their eye on. Here we take a look at five food trends for 2022.
Topics: Bakery, Restaurant, Catering
How To Retain Restaurant Workers In 2021 And Beyond
Hospitality workers continue to leave the industry and seek new avenues for employment at a staggering rate. Some predict the worst is yet to come, with massive turnover expected toward the end of the year. Restaurant owners have been dealing with a labor shortage since the beginning of the pandemic, and just about every establishment you visit today is relying on fewer employees than needed to run efficiently. Retaining your current employees is typically far more cost-effective than recruiting and hiring new ones. Here we take a look at how to retain restaurant workers in 2021 and beyond.
Topics: Restaurant
How To Celebrate Halloween At Your Restaurant
Making your restaurant a destination for Halloween can help you drive revenue and develop loyal customers. While some places still have restrictions due to the pandemic, you can still do a lot to boost profits. Halloween is a fun holiday, and there are a variety of ways you can celebrate it at your restaurant.
Topics: Restaurant, Holiday
Football games can be a significant draw for your restaurant bar as long as you provide an exceptional viewing experience and offer a few enticing discounts to fans. Football season runs for about four months, so increasing your profits during this time can make a major difference in your bottom line. Here we take a look at how to cater to football fans at your restaurant bar.
Topics: Restaurant
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